Improving the elements of cultivating technology for Sarepta mustard (Brassica juncea L.) on leached blackearth of Western Ciscaucasia


Zanozina O. D.1ORCID


1. FSBSI “FRC “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Oil Crops by the name of Pustovoit V. S.”


Increasing interest among agricultural producers in Sarepta spring mustard as a promising, multi-purpose crop requires improving the elements of its cultivation technology to obtain consistently high yields. The current study was carried out in 2021–2022 on the experimental fields of the central experimental base of the FSBSI “FRC “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Oil Crops by the name of Pustovoit V. S.”. The purpose of the research was to study and scientifically substantiate individual elements of the technology (sowing time, seed sowing rate and level of mineral nutrition) for Sarepta mustard’s cultivation on seed productivity of the crop grown on leached blackearth (chernozem) of Western Ciscaucasia. There has been established that the highest yield (1.42 t/ha) and oil yield (0.60 t/ha) of the crop is obtained at an early sowing time (the first term (early) is in the 2nd decade of April) with a minimum seed sowing rate (1.3 million units/ha). Sarepta spring mustard’s single feeding of with ammonium nitrate at a dose of N60 in the seedling phase has helped to obtain maximum yield of 2.08 t/ha and 0.87 t/ha of oil. But the largest oil content in seeds (47.1 %) was identified in the variant with the application of nitrogen fertilizer at a dose of N30 fractionally in equal parts, i.e. in the stages of germination (N15) and booting (N15). Foliar treatment of Sarepta spring mustard with helium mixtures (Micro gel at a dose of 1 l/ha and Brassica gel at a dose of 2 l/ha) in the booting stage allowed obtaining the highest yield of 1.85 t/ha, with 47.9 % of oil in seeds and 0.80 t/ha of oil yield.


FSBSI Agricultural Research Center Donskoy

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