Productivity and blast resistance of the androgenic doubled rice haploids <i>Oryza sativa L.</i>


Ilyushko M. V.1ORCID,Guchenko S. S.1ORCID,Lelyavskaya V. N.2,Vyborova Т. A.2,Romashova M. V.1ORCID


1. FSBSI FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East names after A.K. Chaika

2. FERIPP, a branch of the FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East names after A.K. Chaika


Most Far Eastern rice varieties are heavily affected by blast, so breeding of resistant samples is of great necessity. The purpose of the current study was to estimate and select androgenic doubled rice haploids Oryza sativa L. with an immune to the rice blast pathogen Pyricularia oryzae CaV. There has been estimated productivity of 36 androgenic lines of doubled rice haploids DH1, identified from seven F1 hybrids under the area vegetation conditions. Thirty-three of them have had resistance alleles of the genes of the Pi family. There has been determined resistance of nine DH1 at an artificial infectious background when inoculating rice plants by spraying with an aqueous suspension of conidia P. oryzae. The study was carried out during two vegetation periods in the FSBSI FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East names after A. K. Chaika. There have been identified fifteen lines of doubled rice haploids O. sativa with a pyramid of blast resistance genes, corresponding to the control variety ‘Dolinny’ according to its productivity. Over two years of study, mean grain weight per main panicle ranged from 1.4–2.2 g, grain weight per plant was from 1.5 to 2.0 g, and 1000-grain weight exceeded 27 g. There was a negative effect of the 239 bp allele of the Pi-2 gene individually or in combination with the resistance allele of the Pi-1 gene on the immunity of Far Eastern rice varieties. Individually, the Pi-z and Pi-ta2 genes or a pyramid with their participation provide a stable type of reaction of the DH lines and the variety ‘Dolinny’ to the Primorsky isolates of P. oryza with a mean damage rate from 1.7 to 2.6 points. All lines of doubled haploids were characterized by late-maturity and are of interest in the breeding process as parental forms in hybridization with early maturing varieties O. sativa of the Far Eastern breeding.


FSBSI Agricultural Research Center Donskoy


General Medicine

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