Difficult temperament is a set of behavioral characteristics that are associated with mental health and a significant predictor of psychopathology. This study aims to investigate which temperamental characteristics can be considered attributes of difficult temperament in Lithuanian adults. The sample consisted of 429 adults between 18 and 79 years of age. The Adult Temperament Questionnaire was used to assess temperamental characteristics and perceived difficult temperament. Data were analyzed using a mixed-methods approach. The results revealed that the set of attributes perceived as constituting difficult temperament includes characteristics such as negative mood, intensity of emotional reactions, low adaptability, withdrawal, and low regularity. Quantitative data analysis uncovered an unexpected negative relationship between perceived difficult temperament and the rhythmicity characteristic, while a new category of stubbornness emerged in the qualitative data. The findings provide new knowledge about both the cultural specifics of difficult temperament and the content of the temperament construct in general. These results can also aid in the development of further research on difficult temperament, as well as in the planning of mental health interventions and psychological counseling.