Normative data, reliability, and validity of the NEO PI-R personality disorder scales


Sanz-García Ana,García-Vera María Paz,Sanz Jesús


There is increasing interest in understanding personality disorders (PDs) from the five-factor model. Miller et al. (2005) and Costa and McCrae (2005) proposed two sets of scales based on the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO PI-R) facets to assess DSM-5 PDs. There are Spanish norms for the scales of Miller et al. (2005) based on personnel selection samples, but they are not appropriate for contexts with low social desirability. Normative, reliability, and convergent/discriminant validity data are presented for both sets of scales with volunteers from the general Spanish population (N= 682). The internal consistency and convergent/ discriminant validity indices were excellent or good for all scales, especially for those of Miller et al. (2005). The differences between the sample of volunteers and that of personnel selection (d= 0.61) and between males and females (d= 0.34-0.38) justify the development of norms for the two sets of PD scales for situations of low social desirability and separate for males and females. Their usefulness in different contexts is discussed.


Fundacion VECA







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