1. Chuvash State University
2. Emergency Hospital (Cheboksary)
3. Republican Clinical Oncologic Dispensary (Cheboksary)
In recent years, the opportunities of radiation diagnostic methods have stepped far ahead and today they play a leading role at the stage of preoperative diagnosis of thyroid diseases. The most promising of them is multiparametric ultrasound examination, as well as sonoelastography associated with it. Strain elastography and shear wave elastography make it possible to determine the boundaries of pathological formation and quantitative characteristics of nodular stiffness, which is important when determining the boundaries of invasive tumor growth, primarily thyroid cancer, when planning an upcoming surgical intervention. The article describes a clinical case of radiation diagnosis made for follicular thyroid cancer; it shows the importance of multiparametric ultrasound, including sonoelastography, in the early detection of thyroid cancer. A timely diagnosis and a correct chosen tactics for treating follicular thyroid cancer resulted in a favorable disease outcome.
I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University
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