
Losev Konstantin V.1ORCID,Losev Andrey V.2ORCID,Verendeeva Maria A.1ORCID,Kostyakova Tatiana V.1ORCID,Kuzina Olga V.1ORCID


1. Chuvash State University

2. Chuvash State Universit


Deprogramming of masticatory group muscles is an integral step in determining and fixing the centric jaw relation in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with orthopedic and orthodontic pathology of the maxillary system. The review presents the main methods for determining the centric jaw ratio using deprogramming of masticatory muscles, as well as indications for the use of these methods. In complete adentia, the most acceptable are the method of non-forced control of the mandibular movements, the Dawson method, the Schiler method, the method of recording the Gothic angle, transcutaneous electroneurostimulation. The above-listed methods can be used in partial adentia as well, and in the presence of all teeth in the oral cavity. In the pathology of the temporomandibular joint, deprogramming methods using the Lucia jig, a leaf gauge, Sliding Guide, as well as the method of recording the Gothic angle will also perform a diagnostic function. With the help of these methods, it is possible to change the design of long-wearing deprogrammers and medical devices. The most universal of these methods are the method of electronic recording of the Gothic arch and transcutaneous electroneurostimulation.


I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University

Reference39 articles.

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