1. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Universitesi
There have been significant differences among world countries in the adoption and development of e-government applications at the local level. It is asserted that various socioeconomic, political and demographic factors, especially the level of e-government development at the national level, are effective on these disparities. However, it is observed that the academic works, does not adequately explain influence of national e-government capacity as a determining factor on local digital developments. However, the factors that affect the development of local e-government such as demographic, political, managerial, financial and technical capacity are directly or indirectly associated with the level of adoption and development of e-government tools by public institutions, private sector and civil society that provide public goods and services at the national level. associated with. In this context, the main purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between the national e-government development level and the local e-government, and the influence level in terms of different dimensions (such as e-information, e-service and e-participation). For this purpose, in the study, national and local e-government development were compared within the framework of scientific data declared within the scope of the United Nations e-Government Development Survey (2020), and it was interrogated whether national e-government capacity causes significant disparities on local e-government development. Ordinal Regression Analysis was used to achieve this aim. The result of the study is that national telecommunication infrastructure and human capital are the main determinants of local e-government rather than e-participation and online services.
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