1. Bleuen Merrer is a high school teacher in history. She completed a Master’s thesis on ‘La réception de l’ouvrage de Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, en France’ (The reception of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in France) in 2022 at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, supervised by Christophe Bonneuil. Email:
2. Francois Dedieu is a sociologist at the National Institute of Agricultural Research and the Environment (INRAE). His research seeks to understand what public does not do in environmental matters. After studying the management of major crises (1990 Storms and COVID-19), his research has focused on the social production of ignorance in the public control of pesticides. Currently, he is developing a research programme which seeks to understand, based on the case of plastic pollution, how it is possible...
3. Céline Pessis is an associate professor at AgroParisTech. She is conducting research in environmental history of alternative agriculture in twentieth-century France. She is interested in the knowledge and technologies of agricultural modernization and how these are challenged by peasant movements, environmental limits and dissident scientists. More broadly, her work sheds light on various forms of socio-ecological conflict in France since 1945. She co-edited Une autre histoire des ‘Trente...
4. Christophe Bonneuil is a Senior researcher in environmental history, history of science and science studies at the Centre de Recherches Historiques (CNRS and EHESS, Paris). His research explores the co-evolution of ways of knowing and ways of governing nature and the Earth. He has published many articles and several books, including a global environmental history of the Anthropocene (The Shock of the Anthropocene. The Earth, History and Us, Verso, 2016, with J-B. Fressoz). He has co-edited books...