Salvage Radical Prostatectomy for Recurrent Prostate Cancer: Morbidity and Functional Outcomes from a Large Multicenter Series of Open versus Robotic Approaches


Gontero Paolo1,Marra Giancarlo1,Alessio Paolo1,Filippini Claudia2,Oderda Marco1,Munoz Fernando3,Linares Estefania4,Sanchez-Salas Rafael4,Challacombe Ben5,Dasgupta Prokar56,Goonewardene Sanchia5,Popert Rick5,Cahill Declan7,Gillatt David8,Persad Raj8,Palou Juan9,Joniau Steven10,Piechaud Thierry11,Morlacco Alessandro12,Vidit Sharma12,Rouprêt Morgan13,De La Taille Alexandre14,Albisinni Simone15,Gandaglia Giorgio16,Mottrie Alexander16,Joshi Shreyas17,Fiscus Gabriel17,Berger Andre18,Aron Monish18,Van Der Poel Henk19,Tilki Derya20,Lawrentschuk Nathan21,Murphy Declan G.21,Leung Gordon22,Davis John22,Karnes Robert Jeffrey23,Calleris Giorgio,Battaglia Antonino,Munegato Stefania,Palazzetti Anna,Pisano Francesca,Ricardi Umberto,Cathcart Paul,Smelzo Salvatore,van Velthoven Roland,Smith Joseph,Abreu Andre,Gill Inderbir S.


1. Department of Urology, San Giovanni Battista Hospital, Città della Salute e della Scienza, University of Turin, Turin, Italy

2. Department of Statistics, University of Turin, Turin, Italy

3. Department of Radiotherapy, Parini Hospital, Aosta, Italy

4. Department of Urology, Institut Mutualiste Montsouris, F-75013 Paris, France

5. Urology 47 Centre, Guy’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom

6. King’s College London, London, United Kingdom

7. Royal Marsden Hospital, London, United Kingdom

8. Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol, United Kingdom

9. Fundaciò Puigvert, Barcelona, Spain

10. Leuven University Hospitals, Leuven, Belgium

11. Clinique Saint Augustin, Bordeaux, France

12. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

13. Sorbonne Université, GRC No. 5, ONCOTYPE-URO, AP-HP, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, F-75013 Paris, France

14. CHU Mondor, Créteil, France

15. Institut Jules Bordet, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium

16. OLV Hospital, Aalst, Belgium

17. Vanderbilt University, Medical Center North, Nashville, Tennessee

18. USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and Hospital, University of Southern California, California

19. Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands

20. Martini-Klinik Prostate Cancer Center and Department of Urology, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

21. Division of Cancer Surgery, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne and Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

22. Division of Surgery, Department of Urology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

23. Department of Oncology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)









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