The fertility care gap in the Global South: lessons from The Gambia, West Africa, and ways forward to establish fertility care for all


Balen Julie,


Infertility is a neglected global public health issue affecting an estimated 56–72 million couples worldwide. The prevention and management of infertility was recognized as a basic component of sexual and reproductive health at the landmark 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, yet progress in this area remains limited. Interdisciplinary research has been conducted in The Gambia, West Africa, since 2016, with communities, women’s organizations, clinicians, and health policy and systems stakeholders, to identify key gaps in fertility care, and to better understand the delivery of infertility services. A partnership between the Ministry of Health, Safe Haven Foundation, and international researchers helped create The Gambia’s National Infertility Awareness Campaign and gave birth to the Fertility Care Policy Dialogue supporting the inclusion of infertility in The Gambia’s new 10-year National Health Policy. It also helped to establish the White Rose Interdisciplinary Network on Fertility Care in the Global South. To date, the network has more than 60 members globally, including researchers, health workers, policy makers, and activists who work together on infertility awareness raising, policy change, and system strengthening, with the aim of improving equitable access to fertility care for all. Here, we introduce the network and draw on key lessons from ongoing infertility-related research in The Gambia.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


General Materials Science

Reference19 articles.

1. National, Regional, and Global Trends in Infertility Prevalence Since 1990: a systematic analysis of 277 health surveys;Mascarenhas;PLoS Med,2012

2. The Nairobi Summit and Reproductive Justice: unmet needs for people with infertility;Dierickx;Am J Trop Med Hyg,2021

3. Barriers and facilitators for the inclusion of fertility care into reproductive health policies in Africa: a qualitative evidence synthesis;Afferri;Hum Reprod Update,2021

4. Global access to infertility care in developing countries: a case of human rights, equity and social justice;Ombelet;Facts Views Vis Obgyn,2011

5. Affordable ART and the third world: difficulties to overcome;Cooke;ESHRE Monogr,2008







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