1. World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision, Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division. Available at http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/wpp2006/wpp2006.htm.
2. Public Law 91-113, 83 Stat. 187-90.
3. Correspondence between Dale Miller, Bureau of Product Safety, and HJames Holroyd, Chairman of Accident Prevention Committee of AAP, January 25, 1971 as cited in VanHouten DT Human Factors Analysis of Ingestion, Aspiration, and Choking Injuries U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Report June 5, 1978.
4. VanHouten DT. Human Factors Analysis of Ingestion, Aspiration, and Choking Injuries U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Report June 5, 1978.
5. Proposed Banning of Toys and Other Children's Articles Presenting Choking, Aspiration, and/or Ingestion Hazards Due to Small Parts, Federal Register January 22, 1973;Vol. 38:No. 14.