Hemodynamic effects of positive end-expiratory pressure


Joseph Adrien1,Petit Matthieu12,Vieillard-Baron Antoine12


1. Medical Intensive Care Unit, Ambroise Paré Hospital, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Boulogne-Billancourt

2. Inserm, CESP, Paris-Saclay University, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Villejuif, France


Purpose of review Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is required in the Berlin definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome and is a cornerstone of its treatment. Application of PEEP increases airway pressure and modifies pleural and transpulmonary pressures according to respiratory mechanics, resulting in blood volume alteration into the pulmonary circulation. This can in turn affect right ventricular preload, afterload and function. At the opposite, PEEP may improve left ventricular function, providing no deleterious effect occurs on the right ventricle. Recent findings This review examines the impact of PEEP on cardiac function with regards to heart-lung interactions, and describes its consequences on organs perfusion and function, including the kidney, gut, liver and the brain. PEEP in itself is not beneficious nor detrimental on end-organ hemodynamics, but its hemodynamic effects vary according to both respiratory mechanics and association with other hemodynamic variables such as central venous or mean arterial pressure. There are parallels in the means of preventing deleterious impact of PEEP on the lungs, heart, kidney, liver and central nervous system. Summary The quest for optimal PEEP settings has been a prominent goal in ARDS research for the last decades. Intensive care physician must maintain a high degree of vigilance towards hemodynamic effects of PEEP on cardiac function and end-organs circulation.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine

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