1. Graduate School of Health, Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
2. Department of Speech Pathology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
3. Critical Care Division, The George Institute for Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
4. Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre (ANZIC-RC), School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
5. Head and Neck Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH.
6. Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
7. Department of Physiotherapy, Western Health, Department of Critical Care, Melbourne Medical School, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
8. The Ohio State University College of Nursing, Columbus, OH.
9. Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.
10. Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, ON, Canada.
11. Michael Garron Hospital, Toronto East Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada.
12. Department of Intensive Care, Gelre Hospitals, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands.
13. Critical Care Research Group, The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
14. Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Palliative Care, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom.