Experimental studies of the model of bucket of reclamation canal cleaner PP-303 for the drainage zone


Abdulmazhidov Khamzat1,Balabanov Viktor2,Martynova Natalia3,Makarov Alexander3


1. Institut melioracii, vodno- go hozyaystva i stroitel'stva imeni A.N. Kostyakova, RGAU-MSHA imeni K.A. Timiryazeva

2. Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet – MSHA imeni K.A. Timiryazeva

3. FGBOU VO RGAU-Msha imeni K.A. Timiryazeva


The purpose of the research is to determine the traction resistance when the bucket is operating on the rigid guides of the RR-303 channel cleaner, depending on the change in the main factors. The RR-303 channel repairer differs from many currently used designs of canal cleaning machines by the movement of the cleaning bucket strictly straight along the axis of the channel on rigid guides. In addition, according to the mode of operation, the channel cleaner refers to machines of periodic action, which positionally cleans the bottom of the channel and the slopes adjacent to the bottom. The working equipment of the channel repairer includes a twin telescopic boom, rigid guides (based on two channels) is installed as a side linkage on the DT-75 tracked tractor. There are also design projects of working equipment designed for installation on a more modern basic tractor VT-100. The main attention in the design of the working equipment of the channel cleaner was paid to the possibility of ensuring high quality cleaning work with the lowest traction resistance. The high quality of work is mainly ensured by the rectilinear movement of the bucket along the rigid guides. The value of traction resistance, as a target function or optimization parameter, is most influenced by the thickness of the soil chips, the density of the soil in terms of the difficulty of its development and soil moisture. The presence of these three characteristics, which can be called factors, give reason to believe that their change affects the traction resistance of the bucket of the channel cleaner in the process of its operation is much greater than, for example, the cutting angle or laying slopes. Accordingly, in this study, the following three are taken as the main factors affecting the target function: change in chip thickness; changes in soil density in terms of development difficulty; change in the value of soil moisture. Determination of traction resistances during the operation of the channel cleaner bucket model was carried out using the method of three-factor study, which allows to estimate the value of the most significant factor affecting the target function, in this case the traction resistance. Processing of the results of laboratory studies was carried out using the methods of statistical analysis and computer programs Mathcad and Excel.


ANO Editorial Board Melioration and Water Management


General Medicine

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