
Schedrin Vyacheslav1,Kozhanov Anton1,Korzhov Viktor2,Korzhov Ivan3



2. FGBOU "Donskoy GAU"



The aim of the research is to develop a modeling methodology for solving problems associated with the creation of simulation models and means of information and technological support for the tasks of allocating water resources on drainage systems for double regulation of the water regime of soils. The methodological and informational basis of the work was formed by the experience of creating and operating existing means of information technology support for the design and operation of double regulation drainage systems, the provisions of normative and technical documents on the automation of systems, as well as the design features of drainage and humidification and drainage systems. irrigation systems. As a result of studies of the problem of distribution of water resources on a specific system, the main stages were determined: the allocation of its blocks for which a system of water resources regulation is being developed, the allocation of subsystems in the structure, classification of tasks in subsystems, construction of an information model of the system, construction of a complex of models. To solve the problem associated with the development of simulation models and means of information technology support for the tasks of water resources distribution on dual control systems, it is proposed to use the method of contour modeling of water resources management regimes. The essence of the methodology consists in identifying characteristic contours in the structure of the water distribution network, for which you can use standard modeling algorithms and tools (quickly adjusted to the parameters of these contours) and sequentially calculating the parameters of the distribution of water resources for each of them. In this connection, the main control loops have been determined: the control loop «Water consumer № 1, 2 ... n», «Group of water consumers № 1, 2 ... n», «Section of the system № 1, 2 ... n» and «System». The proposed technique allows you to select typical control loops and then, in the selected standard loop, select characteristic control loops, along which simulation modeling of the processes of regulating the distribution of water resources over all control loops is carried out. The carried out simulation modeling of regulation processes throughout the «system» can be used by the maintenance service of the double regulation drainage system as variations in solutions when controlling the operation of regulatory structures, pumping stations and other structures of the system used to control water distribution.


ANO Editorial Board Melioration and Water Management


General Medicine

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