
Motorin Aleksandr1


1. NIISKH of the Northern Trans-Urals - a branch of the TYUMNTS SB RAS


The results of long-term (2008 - 2010) studies of the microclimate of drained peat soils in the subtaiga zone of the Northern Trans-Urals are presented. It is shown that drained peat soils, due to the specific thermal properties of peat, have an unsatisfactory temperature regime for the successful cultivation of many agricultural crops. Poor thermal conductivity of peat and strong heat transfer from surface layers are the main causes of frequent radiation frosts. The dark color of peat soils promotes a strong absorption of heat and their overheating on sunny days up to 45 - 50°C, in connection with which they are characterized by a large amplitude of daily temperature fluctuations (13.9 - 25.8°C). The introduction of clay into peat soil changes the thermal properties of peat, improves heat exchange between the surface and deeper layers of the soil; increases the temperature in the 0.2 - meter layer by 0.35 - 1.3°C on average during the growing season, reduces the amplitude of daily temperature fluctuations by 3.3 - 3.5°C, practically eliminates the possibility of radiation frosts. Improving the microclimate of peat soil by applying 300 t/ha of clay provides an increase of 7.24 t/ha (35.0%) in the yield of green mass of oats. An increase in the clay norm from 300 to 900 t/ha increases the yield of green mass of oats insignificantly (2.53 t/ha - 9%).


ANO Editorial Board Melioration and Water Management


General Medicine

Reference22 articles.

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