Phytoremediation as a method of recultivation of lands contaminated with organochlorine compounds


Lapushkin Maxim,Lukyanova Natalia,Vasilyeva Galina


Land contamination by organochlorine pollutants is widespread on the territory of the Russian Federation. In many cases, such pollution is of a historical nature, resulting from past human activities. This is the pollution of agricultural land with organochlorine pesticides, as well as the pollution of industrial lands and settlements with polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins as well as organochlorine solvents. For reclamation of those lands, appropriate methods and technologies are required. This article is devoted to a review of phytoremediation methods for lands contaminated with organochlorine pollutants. The article describes the main mechanisms of phytoremediation and gives examples of using these methods for the reclamation of those lands.


ANO Editorial Board Melioration and Water Management


General Medicine

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