Improvement of digital technologies for the formation of agroecosystem reclamation regime


Yurchenko Irina1


1. FGBNU "VNIIGiM im. A.N. Kostyakova"


The relevance of research is due to the increasing role of digital technologies for managing agricultural production on reclaimed lands in ensuring sustainable growth of agricultural production efficiency. The object of research is precision (precise) management of agricultural production. The subject is advanced technologies for the rapid formation and regulation of the reclamation regime of agroecosystems that meet the requirements of sustainable development of the crop production system of the domestic agro-industrial complex. The purpose of this work is to improve methodological and technological approaches to digitalization of technologies for managing the reclamation regime of the agroecosystem. the Scientific novelty of the work is to substantiate the functional orientation and list of priority tasks solved by the created digital systems, which required studying the specifics of applied technologies for managing agricultural production; determining the effective direction of improving automated management. The research was based on the analysis of normative-methodological and legal documents, literary sources, as well as personal developments of the author on the subject under consideration. Methods of comparative and system analysis and expert assessments were used in the work. Factors of competitiveness of economic entities implementing support of management decisions by digital systems are identified. Uncovered causes that reduce the effectiveness of the implementation of the digital control systems of agricultural production on reclaimed lands in the Russian agricultural sector Shows the priority approaches to the structure of control system of technological processes of agricultural production, emerging based on the integration of access to information for business processes of enterprise management. A list of priority tasks of automation of technological processes of reclamation agriculture has been developed. Priority requirements for improving digital technologies for managing the reclamation regime of agroecosystems in terms of information, technology and software are formulated. The proposed transformation of approaches to the creation and use of automated production process control systems (APCS) and General approaches to enterprise management (APCS) meets the requirements of the «Internet of things (IOT)», one of the newest trends in the evolution of modern Internet technologies. The technological process of precision management of agricultural production based on digital systems Maxim built into the management procedures of the hydroreclamation system, rationalized, with significantly increased efficiency transforms the interaction of producers and consumers, bringing them flexibility, organizing the exchange of information via the Internet.


ANO Editorial Board Melioration and Water Management


General Medicine

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