Regulation of flow by an irrigation reservoir taking into account storm precipitation data from river basin weather stations


Veliev Il'yas,Il'inich Vitaliy,Kavalli Aleksandr


The scientific paper is devoted to development the methodology of the rules for control of water reservoirs in the south of the European territory of Russia (ETR), the relevance of that has determined by necessary for more reliable and efficient of river flow regulation. The studies has based on the data of synchronous observations at the region weather stations and of corresponding runoff to the Krasnodar reservoir, it provides rice fields. A correlation analysis between rainfall at weather stations and the corresponding flood volumes have gave possibility to evaluate their rate of dependence. So a predictor weather stations were chosen, which allowed to select decisions in respect to control by water resource of the reservoir. The analysis of traditional and improved rules for control of the reservoir has carried out using a simulation model of its functioning. It has based on the balance formula for water reservoir, taking into account the logical conditions of the traditional dispatch rules for control by reservoir, which designed to compensate for water deficits in rice fields and to be safe during catastrophic floods. The model makes it possible to change the rules of water storage management taking into account short-term forecasts of precipitations and runoff for modeling according to five-day period (pentad) discreteness. The obtained results confirmed the hypothesis about the possibility of reducing the likelihood of emergencies during the catastrophe of catastrophic floods with the stability of the planned water consumption of the irrigation system.


ANO Editorial Board Melioration and Water Management


General Medicine

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