The Relevance of Trisentra System to Character Education in the 5.0 Era


Zulkarnain Zulkarnain,Bakar M. Yunus Abu,Fuad Ahmad Zakki


Developing education in Indonesia is one of Ki Hajar Dewantara's missions. The various thoughts he gave brought about the advancement of education in Indonesia. This, coupled with the differences in human thoughts that are considered appropriate for education at a certain place and time, makes Ki Hajar's thoughts on education gradually forgotten. With this paper, the author wants to explain the various thoughts of Ki Hajar Dewantara in character education in the 5.0 era. This research method is qualitative research with a type of literature review with a historical-factual model of the figure, namely the figure of Ki Hajar Dewantara with the object of research being the philosophy of the figure himself. Data collection begins with books related to Ki Hajar Dewantara. The primary data are all books by Ki Hajar Dewantara and supported by secondary data in the form of a history of philosophy, and encyclopedias related to Ki Hajar Dewantara both in terms of the history of his life or his thoughts on education. The results of this research are various pedagogical ideas of Ki Hajar Dewantara which are still important, especially the concept of the Trisentra system in the 5.0 era. Ki Hajar Dewantara's ideas based on character education such as religious values, discipline, honesty, and responsibility, can be used as the basis for the formation of moral education in the 5.0 era.


STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan

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