Construction of a 3d geomechanical model and its influence on the dynamic indicators of a carbonate reservoir model


Abishev D. B.,Shishkin V. V.,Alekhin I. G.,Nasibullin A. Z.


The article presents the process and results of constructing a three-dimensional geomechanical model of an oil field located in the eastern edge of the Caspian basin. Oil and gas content is established in carbonate deposits of the Lower and Middle Carboniferous. The model was based on well log data, one-dimensional geomechanical models and a 3D geological model. The result of geomechanical modeling is the obtained property of additional permeability of the critically loaded discrete fracture network, which was later used in the history match of the hydrodynamic model. In addition to the fracture property, a series of conductive faults were also identified during the history match. When carrying out geomechanical modeling, international experience was taken into account in the calculation of critically loaded fractures and their relationship with the intervals of inflow and loss in carbonate reservoirs. The updated hydrodynamic model, taking into account the geomechanical model, significantly improved the convergence of the model and historical indicators of bottomhole pressures.


KMG Engineering

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