Supplementary material for CFD simulation of copper magnetoelectrolysis cell in the presence of parallel and antiparallel Lorentz forces
Najminoori M.,Mohebbi A.
Supplementary material note. Ion parameters and approximate calculation of the terms of Eq. (7) (Table S-1). Contour plots of the velocity field during copper magnetoelectrolysis for the parallel case at (a) t = 10 s and (b) t = 20 s (Fig. S-1). Contour plots of the concentration variation ∆c during copper magnetoelectrolysis for the parallel case at (a) t = 10 s and (b) t = 20 s (Fig. S-2). Profiles of the vertical velocity component for 2 mA at different heights from the bottom of the cell in the parallel case at (a) t = 10 s and (b) t = 20 s (Fig. S-3). Concentration variation ∆c near the cathode for 2 mA at different heights from the bottom of the cell in the parallel case at (a) t = 10 s and (b) t = 20 s (Fig. S-4). Vertical concentration variation profiles parallel to the electrodes at different distances from the cathode in the parallel case at (a) t = 10 s and (b) t = 20 s (Fig. S-5). Contour plot of the velocity field during copper magnetoelectrolysis in the antiparallel case at t = 10 s (Fig. S-6). Contour plot of the concentration variation ∆c during copper magnetoelectrolysis for the antiparallel case at t = 10 s (Fig. S-7). Profile of the vertical velocity component for the electric current 2 mA at different heights from the bottom of the cell for the antiparallel case at t = 10 s (Fig. S-8). Concentration variation ∆c near the cathode for the electric current 2 mA at different heights from the bottom of the cell for the antiparallel case at t = 10 s (Fig. S-9). Vertical concentration variation profile parallel to the electrodes at different distances from the cathode for the antiparallel case at t = 10 s (Fig. S-10). Tables 1, Figs 10.
University of Latvia