1. Photon Science Division, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland.
2. CAS Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China.
3. Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Heisenbergstrasse 1, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany.
4. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA.
5. Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics and Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China.
6. Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.
7. City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen, China.
8. Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.