1. Adolphe Merkle Institute, University of Fribourg, Chemin des Verdiers 4, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland.
2. Institute of Micro- and Nanostructure Research and Center for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Cauerstraße 6, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany.
3. Institute of Stochastics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Englerstraße 2, D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany.
4. Carl Zeiss X-Ray Microscopy, 4385 Hopyard Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588, USA.
5. School of Engineering and Information Technology, Mathematics and Statistics, Murdoch University, Murdoch, 90 South Street, Western Australia 6150, Australia.
6. Department of Applied Mathematics, Research School of Physics and Engineering, 60 Mills Road, Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2601, Australia.
7. Institute of Theoretical Physics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Staudtstraße 7B, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany.