1. Department of Comparative Linguistics, University of Zurich, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland.
2. Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution, University of Zurich, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland.
3. Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, 07745 Jena, Germany.
4. Human Relations Area Files, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA.
5. Laboratory of Quantitative Linguistics, Kazan Federal University, 420000 Kazan, Russia.
6. Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, Nanyang Technological University, 637332 Singapore.
7. Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage UMR 5596, Université Lumière Lyon 2, 69363 Lyon Cedex 07, France.
8. Language and Genetics Department, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, 6525 XD Nijmegen, Netherlands.