Extremely Large Variations of Atmospheric 14 C Concentration During the Last Glacial Period


Beck J. Warren1,Richards David A.23,Lawrence R.,Edwards 3,Silverman Bernard W.4,Smart Peter L.2,Donahue Douglas J.1,Hererra-Osterheld Sofia1,Burr George. S.1,Calsoyas Leal1,Timothy A. J.,Jull 1,Biddulph Dana1


1. NSF-Arizona Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility, Department of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA.

2. School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1SS, UK.

3. Minnesota Isotope Laboratory, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.

4. School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TW, UK.


A long record of atmospheric 14 C concentration, from 45 to 11 thousand years ago (ka), was obtained from a stalagmite with thermal-ionization mass-spectrometric 230 Th and accelerator mass-spectrometric 14 C measurements. This record reveals highly elevated Δ 14 C between 45 and 33 ka, portions of which may correlate with peaks in cosmogenic 36 Cl and 10 Be isotopes observed in polar ice cores. Superimposed on this broad peak of Δ 14 C are several rapid excursions, the largest of which occurs between 44.3 and 43.3 ka. Between 26 and 11 ka, atmospheric Δ 14 C decreased from ∼700 to ∼100 per mil, modulated by numerous minor excursions. Carbon cycle models suggest that the major features of this record cannot be produced with solar or terrestrial magnetic field modulation alone but also require substantial fluctuations in the carbon cycle.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



Reference64 articles.

1. M. Stuiver et al. Radiocarbon 40 1041 (1998).

2. Δ 14 C as used here is defined by the equation Δ 14 C = 1000( Fe λ t − 1) ‰ where F is the reservoir-corrected Fraction Modern λ is the true 14 C decay constant and t is the calendar age.

3. E. Bard et al. Nature 382 241 (1996).

4. Radiocarbon Calibration by Means of Mass Spectrometric 230Th/234U and 14C Ages of Corals: An Updated Database Including Samples from Barbados, Mururoa and Tahiti

5. G. S. Burr et al. Radiocarbon 40 1093 (1998).

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