Counteracting age-related VEGF signaling insufficiency promotes healthy aging and extends life span


Grunewald M.1ORCID,Kumar S.1ORCID,Sharife H.1,Volinsky E.1ORCID,Gileles-Hillel A.123ORCID,Licht T.1ORCID,Permyakova A.4,Hinden L.4ORCID,Azar S.4,Friedmann Y.5,Kupetz P.1ORCID,Tzuberi R.1,Anisimov A.6ORCID,Alitalo K.6ORCID,Horwitz M.1ORCID,Leebhoff S.1ORCID,Khoma O. Z.7ORCID,Hlushchuk R.7ORCID,Djonov V.7ORCID,Abramovitch R.2ORCID,Tam J.4ORCID,Keshet E.1ORCID


1. Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel.

2. Wohl Institute for Translational Medicine and the Goldyne Savad Institute for Gene Therapy, Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel.

3. Pediatric Pulmonology and Sleep Unit, Department of Pediatrics, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel.

4. Obesity and Metabolism Laboratory, Institute for Drug Research, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

5. Bio-Imaging Unit, The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

6. Translational Cancer Biology Program, Research Programs Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.

7. Topographic and Clinical Anatomy, Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.


More VEGF, more life—and health span Advanced aging is celebrated but its ill effects, deterioration at the cell, tissue, and organ levels, are not. Grunewald et al . provide evidence for the vascular theory of aging, which reports that age-related decrease of vascular function is a driver of organismal aging at large (see the Perspective by Augustin and Kipnis). Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling insufficiency underlies this vascular insufficiency in aged mice. A modest compensatory increase in circulatory VEGF was sufficient to preserve a young-like vascular homeostasis, alleviate multiple adverse age-related processes, and ameliorate a host of age-associated pathologies in mice. —BAP


Israel Science Foundation

Novo Nordisk Fonden

the Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange partnership


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



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