1. Department of Plant Systems Biology, VIB (Flanders Institute for Biotechnology), Technologiepark 927, B-9052 Ghent, Belgium.
2. Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Ghent University, Technologiepark 927, B-9052 Ghent, Belgium.
3. Division of Plant Sciences, College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee at the James Hutton Institute, Dundee DD2 5DA, UK.
4. Departments of Biochemistry and Biological Systems Engineering, and the Department of Energy Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, the Wisconsin Energy Institute, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1552 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53726, USA.
5. Protein Service Facility, Department for Molecular Biomedical Research, VIB, Ghent University, Technologiepark 927, B-9052 Ghent, Belgium.
6. Cell and Molecular Science, James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA, UK.