1. Biogenic iron mineralization accompanying the dissimilatory reduction of hydrous ferric oxide by a groundwater bacterium
2. Meyers C. R., Meyers J. M., FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 108, 15 (1993).
3. Straub K., Benz M., Schink B., FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 34, 181 (2001).
4. We grew S. putrefaciens CN32 to mid- to late exponential growth phase in a defined medium (DM) consisting of mineral salts phosphate Pipes and lactate (as an electron donor) under aerobic conditions (3). The cells were then washed gassed with H 2 /Ar (4:96) and grown in DM to which enough sterile ferrihydrite suspension was added as the electron acceptor to produce 4 to 8 mM Fe under strict anaerobic conditions at 22°C.
5. Ferrihydrite was precipitated by rapidly adding 1 M NaOH to 0.4 M FeCl 3 ·6 H 2 O until pH 7.0 was reached under sterile conditions then washed in sterile deionized water. Powder XRD scans were performed on dried crushed samples using a Rigaku Geigerflex horizontal goniometer under the following conditions: Co Kα radiation 45 kV 25 mA and 10 s per step with a step size of 0.02°(2θ). Two broad reflections centered at 0.15 and 0.25 nm were observed and no other mineral phases were detected.