1. “The system of blood-vessels in the body may be compared to those of water-courses which are constructed in gardens: they start from one source or spring and branch off into numerous channels and then into still more and so on progressively so as to carry a supply to every part of the garden” [Aristotle Parts of Animals A. L. Peck translator (Harvard Univ. Press Cambridge MA 1961) p. 251]; D. A. W. Thompson On Growth and Form (Cambridge Univ. Press Cambridge 1942).
2. Early development of the vascular system is somewhat different. A network of primitive vessels assembles in specific locations and then undergoes remodeling and branching [
3. Mechanisms of angiogenesis
4. E. R. Weibel Morphometry of the Human Lung (Academic Press New York 1963);
5. West B. J., Goldberger A. L., Am. Sci. 75, 354 (1987).