1. U.N. Environment Program, The Fund Programme (UNEP/GC/31, U.N. Environment Program, Nairobi, 1975).
2. U.N. Environment Program, Review of the Fund Programme for 1975, Review and Approval of the Medium-Term Plan (1976–1978) and Approval of the Fund Programme for 1976–1977 (UNEP/GC/41/Add.l, U.N. Environment Program, Nairobi, 1975).
3. U.N. Environment Program, Approval of Activities Within the Environment Programme, in the Light, Inter Alia, of Their Implications for the Fund Programme (UNEP/GC/24, U.N. Environment Program, Nairobi, 1974).
4. U.N. Environment Program, Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its Second Session (UNEP/GC/26, U.N. Environment Program, Nairobi, 1974).
5. U.N. Environment Program, Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on the Work of its Third Session (UNEP/GC/55, U.N. Environment Program, Nairobi, 1975).