1. Marshall E., Science 272, 477 (1996).
2. The Washington University Genome Sequencing Center FTP site (ftp://genome.wustl.edu/pub/gsc1/sequence/README) reads: This archive site contains prerelease versions of the data and we ask that you keep the following in mind: 1. These data should be used for internal research purposes only and not for redistribution. If other researchers request a copy of the sequence please have them contact the Caenorhabditis elegans sequencing project directly. 2. This is not the final version of the sequence and may contain errors this is especially true of the data in the shotgun and finishing directories. However we feel it is of sufficient interest to be prereleased. 3. Please consult with us before publication of any results related to this sequence until this sequence has been officially released. After it has been released you are welcome to publish the results of your research as long as Washington University and the C. elegans sequencing project are acknowledged appropriately.
3. Whole-Genome Random Sequencing and Assembly of
Haemophilus influenzae
4. Fraser C. M., et al., ibid. 270, 397 (1995);
5. Bult C. J., et al., ibid. 273, 1058 (1996).