1. B. E. Rittmann P. McCarty Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applications (McGraw Hill New York 2000).
2. Cisper M. E., Hemberger P. H., Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrosc. 11, 1449 (1997).
3. Methods for detection of toxic compounds or their metabolites such as those based on mass-sensitive oscillators (33) microfabricated cantilevers (34 35) fluorescence quenching (36) and enzymatic detection (37) are not suitable as the basis of personal dosimeters.
4. Past studies have reported detection of vapors (to ∼1 ppmv) by their absorption into the bulk of a LC (5 6). The bulk absorption of the analyte results in a color change caused by a change in the pitch of a cholesteric phase. The sensitivity and selectivity reported in these past studies are low.
5. Poziomek E. J., Novak T. J., Mackay R. A., Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 27, 175 (1974).