1. H. Shibata, M. Ito, M. Hirota, H. Takano, T. Noda, Department of Cell Biology, Cancer Institute, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170, Japan, and CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, Japan.
2. K. Toyama, H. Shioya, S. Hasegawa, H. Matsumoto, K. Shiba, Department of Cell Biology, Cancer Institute, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170, Japan.
3. T. Akiyama, Department of Oncogene Research, Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan.
4. K. Toyoshima, Center for Adult Diseases, Osaka 537, Japan.
5. R. Kanamaru, Department of Clinical Oncology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Sendai 980, Japan.