Fluid Flow in Chondritic Parent Bodies: Deciphering the Compositions of Planetesimals


Young Edward D.1,Ash Richard D.12,England Philip1,Rumble Douglas2


1. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PR, UK.

2. Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 5251 Broad Branch Road NW, Washington DC, 20015, USA.


Alteration of the Allende meteorite caused shifts in oxygen isotope ratios along a single mass fractionation line. If alteration was caused by aqueous fluid, the pattern of oxygen isotope fractionation can be explained only by flow of reactive water down a temperature gradient. Down-temperature flow of aqueous fluid within planetesimals is sufficient to explain the mineralogical and oxygen isotopic diversity among CV, CM, and CI carbonaceous chondrites and displacement of the terrestrial planets from the primordial slope 1.00 line on the oxygen three-isotope plot.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



Reference59 articles.

1. Brearley A. J., Jones R. H., Rev. Mineral. 36, 3 (1999).

2. Oxygen isotope studies of carbonaceous chondrites

3. CV CM and CI refer to carbonaceous chondrites (C) with chemical similarities to the Vigarano (V) Mighei (M) and Ivuna (I) meteorites respectively [J. T. Wasson Meteorites: Their Record of Early Solar System History (Freeman New York 1985)]. CIs and CMs tend to be richer in volatile elements (such as S Fe K and Na) than CVs. CIs are composed of hydrous minerals and have fractures filled with carbonate and sulfate minerals whereas CVs are composed primarily of anhydrous minerals. CMs are intermediate with roughly half of the minerals by weight being anhydrous.

4. Meibom A., Clark B. E., Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 34, 7 (1999).

5. On a three-isotope plot δ 17 O (ordinate) is plotted against δ 18 O (abscissa). δ 17 O refers to the per mil deviation in a sample 17 O/ 16 O from a standard in this case standard mean ocean water (SMOW) expressed as δ 17 O = [( 17 O/ 16 O) sample /( 17 O/ 16 O) SMOW − 1] 1000. Values of δ 18 O are defined in an analogous fashion. Mass fractionation curves with slopes between 0.51 and 0.53 define changes in oxygen isotope ratios that result from physicochemical processes including evaporation diffusion and most chemical reactions. The terrestrial mass fractionation curve characterizes Earth's homogeneous oxygen reservoir [








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