Microfabrication Inside Capillaries Using Multiphase Laminar Flow Patterning


Kenis Paul J. A.1,Ismagilov Rustem F.1,Whitesides George M.1


1. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.


The reaction of species in solutions flowing laminarly (without turbulent mixing) inside capillaries was used as the basis for a broadly applicable method of microfabrication. In this method, patterning occurs as a result of transport of reactive species to interfaces within the capillary by laminar flow. A wide range of chemistries can be used to generate structures with feature sizes of less than 5 micrometers and with spatial localization to within 5 micrometers. The method is applicable to the patterning of metals, organic polymers, inorganic crystals, and ceramics on the inner walls of preformed capillaries, using both additive and subtractive processes.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



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