High-Density Electron Anions in a Nanoporous Single Crystal: [Ca 24 Al 28 O 64 ] 4 + (4 e - )


Matsuishi Satoru123,Toda Yoshitake123,Miyakawa Masashi123,Hayashi Katsuro123,Kamiya Toshio123,Hirano Masahiro123,Tanaka Isao123,Hosono Hideo123


1. Hosono Transparent and Electro-Active Materials Project, Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology (ERATO), Japan Science and Technology Corporation, KSP C-1232, 3-2-1 Sakado, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki 213-0012, Japan.

2. Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan.

3. Center for Crystal Science and Technology, University of Yamanashi, Miyamae 7, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-8511, Japan.


We removed ∼100% of clathrated oxygen ions from the crystallographic cages in a single crystal of 12CaO·7Al 2 O 3 , leading to the formation of high-density (∼2 × 10 21 cm 3 ) electrons highly localized in the cages. The resulting electron forms a structure that we interpret as an F + center and migrates throughout the crystal by hopping to a neighboring cage with conductivity ∼100 siemens per centimeter, demonstrating that the encaged electron behaves as an anion. The electron anions couple antiferromagnetically with each other, forming a diamagnetic pair or singlet bipolaron. The resulting [Ca 24 Al 28 O 64 ] 4 + (4 e ) may be regarded as a thermally and chemically stable single crystalline “electride.”


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



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