Global modeling of nature’s contributions to people


Chaplin-Kramer Rebecca12ORCID,Sharp Richard P.1ORCID,Weil Charlotte1ORCID,Bennett Elena M.3ORCID,Pascual Unai456ORCID,Arkema Katie K.17ORCID,Brauman Kate A.2ORCID,Bryant Benjamin P.18ORCID,Guerry Anne D.17ORCID,Haddad Nick M.9ORCID,Hamann Maike210ORCID,Hamel Perrine1ORCID,Johnson Justin A.2,Mandle Lisa1ORCID,Pereira Henrique M.111213ORCID,Polasky Stephen14ORCID,Ruckelshaus Mary17ORCID,Shaw M. Rebecca15ORCID,Silver Jessica M.17ORCID,Vogl Adrian L.1ORCID,Daily Gretchen C.116ORCID


1. Natural Capital Project, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.

2. Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN 55108, USA.

3. Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Québec H9X 3V9, Canada.

4. Basque Centre for Climate Change, Scientific Campus of the University of the Basque Country, 48940 Leioa, Bilbao, Spain.

5. Basque Foundation for Science, Ikerbasque, 48013 Bilbao, Spain.

6. Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, 3012 Bern, Switzerland.

7. School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.

8. Water in the West, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.

9. Kellogg Biological Station, Department of Integrative Biology, Hickory Corners, MI 49060, USA.

10. Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.

11. German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 06108 Halle, Germany.

12. Institut für Biologie, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 06112 Halle, Germany.

13. CIBIO (Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources)–InBIO (Research Network in Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology), Universidade do Porto, 4485-661 Vairão, Portugal.

14. Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN 55108, USA.

15. World Wildlife Fund, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA.

16. Center for Conservation Biology, Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.


The future of nature's contributions A recent Global Assessment by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services has emphasized the urgent need to determine where and how nature's contribution matters most to people. Chaplin-Kramer et al. have developed a globalscale modeling of ecosystem services, focusing on water quality regulation, coastal protection, and crop pollination (see the Perspective by Balvanera). By 2050, up to 5 billion people may be at risk from diminishing ecosystem services, particularly in Africa and South Asia. Science , this issue p. 255 ; see also p. 184


Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation

German Research Foundation

Peter and Helen Bing

Roger and Vicki Sant


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



Reference76 articles.







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