1. National Research Council National Science Education Standards (National Academy Press Washington DC 1986).
2. D. Hammer R. Russ R. E. Scherr J. Mikeska in Teaching Scientific Inquiry: Recommendations for Research and Application R. A. Duschl R. E. Grandy Eds. (Sense Publishers Rotterdam Netherlands 2008) pp. 138–156.
3. American Association for the Advancement of Science Science for All Americans: Project 2061 (Oxford Univ. Press New York 1990).
4. J. D. Bransford A. L. Brown R. R. Cocking Eds. How People Learn: Brain Mind Experience and School (National Academy Press Washington DC 1999).
5. R. E. Yager in Crossing Borders in Literacy and Science Instruction E. W. Saul Ed. (International Reading Association Arlington VA 2004) pp. 95–108.