Cassini Radar Views the Surface of Titan


Elachi C.12345,Wall S.12345,Allison M.12345,Anderson Y.12345,Boehmer R.12345,Callahan P.12345,Encrenaz P.12345,Flamini E.12345,Franceschetti G.12345,Gim Y.12345,Hamilton G.12345,Hensley S.12345,Janssen M.12345,Johnson W.12345,Kelleher K.12345,Kirk R.12345,Lopes R.12345,Lorenz R.12345,Lunine J.12345,Muhleman D.12345,Ostro S.12345,Paganelli F.12345,Picardi G.12345,Posa F.12345,Roth L.12345,Seu R.12345,Shaffer S.12345,Soderblom L.12345,Stiles B.12345,Stofan E.12345,Vetrella S.12345,West R.12345,Wood C.12345,Wye L.12345,Zebker H.12345


1. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA.

2. Goddard Institute for Space Studies, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, New York, NY 10025, USA.

3. l'Observatoire de Paris, 75014 Paris, France.

4. Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, 00198 Rome, Italy.

5. Facoltá di Ingegneria, 80125 Naples, Italy.


The Cassini Titan Radar Mapper imaged about 1% of Titan's surface at a resolution of ∼0.5 kilometer, and larger areas of the globe in lower resolution modes. The images reveal a complex surface, with areas of low relief and a variety of geologic features suggestive of dome-like volcanic constructs, flows, and sinuous channels. The surface appears to be young, with few impact craters. Scattering and dielectric properties are consistent with porous ice or organics. Dark patches in the radar images show high brightness temperatures and high emissivity and are consistent with frozen hydrocarbons.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



Reference36 articles.

1. Radar Remote Sensing of Planetary Surfaces 2002

2. Subsurface Valleys and Geoarcheology of the Eastern Sahara Revealed by Shuttle Radar

3. Magellan mission summary

4. Instrument detail observation geometries and details resurfacing rate radarclinometry methods a coverage diagram and related references are available as supporting material on Science Online.

5. The Huygens probe descended on 14 January 2005 reaching the surface at about 10.5°S 192°W. See ( 30 ).

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