A 22,000-Year Record of Monsoonal Precipitation from Northern Chile's Atacama Desert


Betancourt J. L.1,Latorre C.2,Rech J. A.3,Quade J.3,Rylander K. A.1


1. U.S. Geological Survey, 1675 West Anklam Road, Tucson, AZ 85745, USA.

2. Laboratorio de Botanica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile.

3. Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA.


Fossil rodent middens and wetland deposits from the central Atacama Desert (22° to 24°S) indicate increasing summer precipitation, grass cover, and groundwater levels from 16.2 to 10.5 calendar kiloyears before present (ky B.P.). Higher elevation shrubs and summer-flowering grasses expanded downslope across what is now the edge of Absolute Desert, a broad expanse now largely devoid of rainfall and vegetation. Paradoxically, this pluvial period coincided with the summer insolation minimum and reduced adiabatic heating over the central Andes. Summer precipitation over the central Andes and central Atacama may depend on remote teleconnections between seasonal insolation forcing in both hemispheres, the Asian monsoon, and Pacific sea surface temperature gradients. A less pronounced episode of higher groundwater levels in the central Atacama from 8 to 3 ky B.P. conflicts with an extreme lowstand of Lake Titicaca, indicating either different climatic forcing or different response times and sensitivities to climatic change.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



Reference63 articles.

1. Tropical Temperature Variations Since 20,000 Years Ago: Modulating Interhemispheric Climate Change

2. Late Glacial Stage and Holocene Tropical Ice Core Records from Huascarán, Peru

3. Cooling of Tropical Brazil (5°C) During the Last Glacial Maximum

4. A Long Pollen Record from Lowland Amazonia: Forest and Cooling in Glacial Times

5. The same methods for collecting and analyzing packrat middens in the southwestern United States were applied to rodent middens in the Atacama; J. L. Betancourt T. R. Van Devender P. S. Martin Eds. Packrat Middens: The Last 40 000 Years of Biotic Change (Univ. of Arizona Press Tucson AZ 1990).








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