1. Report of Research and Policy Committee, Building a National Health Care System (Committee for Economic Development, 477 Madison Avenue, New York, 1973), pp. 28–40.
2. Burger E. J., Ann. Intern. Med. 80, 645 (1974).
3. Rushmer R. F., Medical Engineering–Projections for Health Care Delivery (Academic Press, New York, 1972), pp. 33–44, 63–76.
4. Apter J. T., Ed., Engineers in Clinical Medicine, vol. 1, Medical Engineering for Better Health Care Delivery (Point Lobos Press, North Hollywood, Calif., 1974) (this volume is a collection of papers devoted to various aspects of clinical engineering);
5. Weed R., Ed. I. E. E. E. Trans. Biomed. Eng. 20 (No. 3) (1973) (this volume is a collection of papers discussing the involvement of biomedical engineering in health care delivery);