Variants of prenatal ultrasound imaging of omphalocele in the fetus


Gordienko I1,Grebinichenko G1,Tarapurova O1,Velychko A1


1. SI “Acad. O.M. Luk’yanova Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Genealogy NAMS of Ukraine”, Kyiv


Purpose - to present characteristic features of prenatal ultrasound imaging in omphalocele among patients of the Department of Fetal Medicine, to describe most common typical variants. Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of 201 ultrasound examinations in 150 patients with omphalocele in the fetus, which were referred to the Department of Fetal Medicine in 2007-2018. Results. The most common typical variants of ultrasound imaging/anatomical variants of omphalocele in the fetus are presented. According to hernia content there were following frequent variants: “intestine” in 48.15 %, "intestine + liver" in 31.11 %, "intestine + liver + stomach" in 15.56 %, "liver" in 5.19 %. A working classification of omphalocele by size is proposed and 4 gradations are distinguished: small, medium, large and giant. Incidence of chromosomal pathology was significantly higher in small-sized omphalocele (44 %) and rate of associated structural pathology was high in large (54.5 %) and giant omphalocele (72.7 %). Conclusion. The study showed significant variability of size and anatomical variants of omphalocele in the fetus. In 44.9 % of cases anatomical variants of severe pathology with large or giant size omphalocele were present. Key words: congenital malformations, abdominal wall defects, variants of omphalocele, chromosomal pathology.


Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Diagnostic Radiology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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