Dreyer-Kruger Anet Elizabeth
The Christ narrative in the film As it is in heaven. In this article the public-theological motives in the film As it is in heaven is analised to demonstrate the film producer Kay Pollack’s ideal to communicate through the film that people should live their lives here and now authentically without seeking excuses for being happy. In this article the principles of narratology is applied in the analysis of the film’s plot, characterisation, plotted time and narrated spaces. It is also argued that the protagonist in the film can be regarded as a ‘Christ-figure’ and that the film conveys a ‘Christ narrative’ in a secularised context. Societal issues such as emotional abuse and violence against children, women, people with disability and animals constitute building blocks of the narrative. Ecclesiastical hypocrisy and outdated sexual values endorsed by the institutional church are replaced by a choir consisting of common people which leads a whole world to sing in harmony.