An evaluation of the facilitators of trustworthiness


Bews Neville,Martins Nico


Recent changes in the nature of work initiated by the emerging “post-industrial"? society have rekindled a multidisciplinary interest in trust. In view of these developments the issue of intra-organisational trust is addressed in terms of a model of trust. The validity of an aspect of this model, in respect of the proposed facilitators of trustworthiness, is empirically tested in a South African financial institution. Results of this test are then compared with the results of a similar and recent study also undertaken in a South Africa context. Opsomming Onlangse veranderinge in die aard van werk wat voortspruit uit die opkomende nywerheidwese, het ‘n multidissiplinêre belangstelling in vertroue tot gevolg gehad. In die lig hiervan is die kwessie van ’n interdissiplinêre vertroue as model vir vertroue ondersoek. Die geldigheid, as oogmerk van hierdie model ten opsigte van die voorgenome aanbieders van vertrouenswaardighed, is aan ‘n proefondervindinglike toets onderwerp in ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse finansiële instelling. Die uitslae van hierdie toets word vergelyk met die resultate van ‘n soortgelyke onlangse studie wat ook in Suid-Afrikaanse verband onderneem is.




Applied Psychology,Social Psychology

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1. Towards Directive Driving Automation: Nudging Driver’s Away From Overriding Using Social Norms;Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting;2023-09

2. Evaluating workplace trust as a construct of worker engagement in construction;Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Management, Procurement and Law;2019-06-01

3. A strategic approach to social sustainability – Part 2: a principle-based definition;Journal of Cleaner Production;2017-01

4. Interpersonal trust, stress and satisfaction at work: an empirical study;Personnel Review;2014-01-28

5. Dimensional hierarchy of trustworthiness of financial service providers;International Journal of Bank Marketing;2010-02-02







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