Development of a set of priority measures for the integration of tools for assessing working conditions for the formation of occupational risk levels


Bukhtiyarov Igor V.1ORCID,Kuzmina Lyudmila P.1ORCID,Golovkova Nina P.1ORCID,Izmerova Natalya I.1ORCID,Leskina Lyudmila M.1ORCID,Kotova Natalya I.1ORCID,Sobolev Vasiliy P.2ORCID


1. Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health

2. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)


Introduction. The increase in life expectancy, a decrease in mortality rates of the working-age population requires the development of a set of priority measures and justification of their effectiveness in the occupational risk management system based on the transition to a personalized assessment of working conditions and the health status of employees. The study aims to develop a set of priority measures to integrate tools for assessing working conditions and to justify their effectiveness in the occupational risk management system to determine the levels and groups of occupational risks in the workplace, depending on the complex of harmful and/or dangerous factors of the production environment and the labor process and the health status of employees. Materials and methods. The researchers have conducted the analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators of occupational risk, including indicators of health disorders of employees. We have analyzed the materials of periodic medical examinations to substantiate the algorithm for the formation of risk groups for the development of occupational diseases. Scientists have performed a cross-epidemiological study to assess the risk of developing chronic general somatic diseases in workers. We have calculated the indicators of the total risk of fatal cardiovascular diseases. Experts have studied the features of the current situation with indicators of occupational morbidity in the Russian Federation. Results. There are two groups of qualitative and quantitative indicators at the level of state supervision and enterprise, which allow assessing the effectiveness of the risk management system. Scientists have identified qualitative and quantitative indicators for early detection of violations in the employee's body from the effects of production factors. We have substantiated the algorithm and criteria for the formation of risk groups for the development of occupational diseases. Assessment of the risk of developing general somatic diseases in workers with constant exposure to high levels of harmful factors: vibration, severity and labor intensity, showed a high prevalence and increased risk of diseases of the endocrine, musculoskeletal and circulatory systems, as well as a significant increase in these indicators with an increase in work experience in harmful working conditions, which allows us to consider these diseases as production-related diseases. Individuals with endocrine diseases are significantly more likely to have a very high, high and medium overall risk of developing fatal cardiovascular diseases (CVD). With an increase in work experience, the percentage of people at high risk of developing fatal CVD increased. The level of occupational morbidity calculated for the number of employees employed in harmful working conditions is 32% higher than the indicator calculated for all employees of the enterprise. A similar recalculation of occupational morbidity indicators for individual nosologies also completely changes the picture. Conclusion. We have substantiated the necessity of transition to a personalized assessment of occupational risk among employees. Researchers have developed proposals for adjusting legislation in order to integrate tools for assessing working conditions and improving the effectiveness of the occupational risk management system. Ethics. This study did not require the conclusion of the Ethics committee.


FSBI Research Institute of Occupational Health RAMS


General Medicine

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