1. Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH RAN)
The author examines new challenges of ergonomics and occupational health, including unknown risks, issues of prevention, and ethics. The author also presents an overview of modern bioinformatics systems and visualization methods in bioinformatics. The researcher analyzed the health risks of human interaction with large volumes of textual information and advanced computational methods to prevent computer syndrome, including overstrain of the visual analyzer and pain in the back, neck, and hands. The study aims to analyze the representations of hereditary molecular genetic information in the form of graphic patterns available for visual perception, characterizing the initial data, and study the possibility of visualizing large amounts of data using the method of characteristic patterns. The author developed new methods of presenting large volumes of hereditary genetic information in bioinformatic systems. The basis of the method is information processing based on computer algorithms. The methods allow us to visually assess the differences in the genetic structure of various species of living organisms and identify the features of their nucleotide composition. The fixation of the internal ordering of the information signal in an individual graphical quasi-fractal structure is a characteristic feature of the methods considered. It makes it possible to expand the possibilities of visual-analytical thinking of a person when interacting with large amounts of information through bioinformatics tools.
FSBI Research Institute of Occupational Health RAMS
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