The influence of physical occupational factors on the immune system


Kuzmina Lyudmila P.1ORCID,Izmerova Natalia I.2ORCID,Khotuleva Anastasia G.1ORCID,Tsidilkovskaya Elvira S.1ORCID,Kisljakova Agata A.2ORCID,Mili Haithem3ORCID


1. Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

2. Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health

3. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)


Environmental factors can influence various parts of the immune system, potentiating the formation of immunopathological processes underlying the development of a large group of diseases. The study aims to analyze the results of experimental and observational studies to assess the effect of noise, vibration, and electromagnetic fields (EMF) on immunological parameters. Among the mechanisms of the influence of physical factors on the immune system, most authors single out the action through the neuroendocrine system and the potentiation of oxidative stress. Experimental studies on laboratory animals to assess the effects of noise on the immune system demonstrate the effect of noise on cellular and humoral immunity, the intensity of an allergic reaction, and sensitivity to infectious agents. The results of surveys of workers exposed to industrial vibration indicate the influence of this production factor on humoral, cellular immunity, and cytokine status, however, the detected changes in these immunological parameters may be multidirectional. In vitro experimental studies indicate that after exposure to EMF on immune cells, numerous changes are detected in them. There are studies demonstrating changes in the immune system in people exposed to EMF. Thus, the analysis of literary sources indicates the influence of physical production factors (noise, vibration, EMF) on the immune status of the body, which determines the prospects of research aimed at developing criteria for evaluating changes in immunological parameters to identify groups at increased risk of developing pathology.


FSBI Research Institute of Occupational Health RAMS

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