New approaches to the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases in people of working age


Lobeev Aleksej V.1ORCID


1. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


Introduction. Chronic non-communicable diseases (CND) are a global health problem. In Russia, there is still a high mortality rate from CND, especially among the working-age population. A promising method of dealing with the chronic noninfectious diseases are school of health. For the working-age population, health schools can be one of the most effective and affordable methods of preventing CND. The aim of study is to analyze the attendance of the school of health for arterial hypertension. Consider alternatives to combat CND in the working-age population, similar to health schools. Materials and methods. During the work, we used data from the school of health on arterial hypertension, conducted on the basis of the GBUZ "City polyclinic No. 8" DZM. The study included all male and female patients who attended school in 2018. at the age of 18 and older. The assessment of school attendance, age and gender characteristics of students, test results, and analysis of systolic and diastolic blood pressure indicators at the control reception was carried out. Results. 140 people were trained, including 116 women (83%) and 24 men (17%). The average age of patients ranged from 43 to 90 (72.3±9) years. Among the students there were only 18 (12.9%) people of working age:14 women and 4 men. The age of women ranged from 43 to 90 years, men - from 60 to 89 years. During the training, the level of knowledge of patients increased from 6.3±1.7 (out of 10 possible) to 9.0±0.9 points (p<0.001). According to the results of the control measurement, the average SAP was 131.1±11.8 mm Hg, and the DAP was 78.6±9.0 mm Hg. For patients of working age, the average SAP was 130.4±15.1 mm Hg, and the DAP was 76.5±8.3 mm Hg. Conclusions. Training in the school of health significantly increases the level of medical awareness of patients about their disease. There is a need for greater promotion of health schools among the working-age population. Student and trade Union platforms for organizing preventive actions can serve as an alternative to health schools for able-bodied citizens. Remote methods of prevention and raising medical awareness can become a new stage in the development of CND prevention.


FSBI Research Institute of Occupational Health RAMS


General Medicine

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