Multimedia Interaktif IPA: Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran pada Materi Sistem Organ Tubuh Manusia


Namri Annisa Ilahi,Kurniadi Wisnu,Suhardi Suhardi


This research aims to design an interactive learning media for human organs for students at SDN 45 Padang Alipan based on desktop as a solution to problems at the research location. This research was carried out at SDN 45 Padang Alipan. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D), the research method is Multimedia Development Lyfe Cycle (MDLC) and the data collection methods are observation, interviews and literature study. This application was created using construct2 software and design using CorelDraw X7. Interactive learning media for human body organ systems displays material, learning objectives, evaluation, instructions and profiles. With this learning media, you can get to know what the organs of the human body are and it is also equipped with evaluations to hone students' abilities from the material that has been explained. The testing of this research is system testing using black box testing and media expert testing. The results of media expert testing indicate a value of 93% is in the very feasible category and the results of material expert testing indicate a value of 90% is in the very appropriate category.


Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah







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